Do you have something to add to our website If you’ve been ripped off by them (in your opinion) then send in your feedback and we’ll be happy to post it here so the World is aware of their bad banking practices.
Your experience with them is important. Tell us about it! Don’t let others be scammed and perhaps one day the bad company can correct their bad behaviors and dump their CEO John Benson Porter (or fake name J. Benson Porter) who in my opinion pushes these policies.
Update: Hey! They got a new CEO at BECU. Her name is Beverly Anderson. Her previous job was at Equifax and her name is connected to complaint documents online. On the surface it appears BECU has another mistake on its hands with this leader.
Maybe you want to reach some of the executives directly. Here are their names and what individual provides for the company.
Here are the other Executive Team Members at BECU. You should be aware of them all since they all should be aware of the bad banking practices in place at the company. We all know Mr. J Benson Porter the CEO but we also have Tom Morgan who is the CIO & SVP of Information Technology. We also have Melba Bartels who is the Senior Vice President (CFO) of She obviously is aware of placing people on the banking blacklist for disgreements. Don’t get on her bad side or try to express your different opinion to her! There are many others but you should know about Tom Berquist who is their Marketing and Cooperative Affairs officer. He is most likely responsible for all those nice and friendly family commercials you see on TV. Yet behind the scenes they are a family of rip off artists in my experience.